Representation Idea
When thinking about how I want to represent Flint, and hopefully get him adopted, I decided I want to challenge myself. I've always been sort of interested in drawing, but never taken any art classes or done anything serious with it. For my representation, I think I want to make a poster, with drawings I make of Flint. The fact that Flint seems to be a bit camera shy helped in the decision. There are several artists I follow online who do simple drawings of dogs, and they really capture the "doggyness", and personality of them and make them look so lovable. I'm hoping I can do the same with representing Flint! I find it fascinating how different dogs can have such different personalities, so I would like to focus on that. It's going to be really difficult to capture a dog's personality in a simple drawing, but if it's done right, I think it can be really captivating.
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